Maud Powell with Arthur Loesser, Pianist
Recital Program, November 9, 1915

The Women's Music Club

Memorial Hall, Columbus, Ohio

3,500 in attendance

"The entire program was one of sheer delight, the artist making strong appeal by her warm temperament, caressing tone and her captivating style."

Columbus Dispatch , 10 November 1915

"Lovers of violin declared it one of the finest concerts programs they had ever listened to. One gifted singer remarked that it was a year's schooling in her own particular art to hear the splendid artistry of Maud Powell. The violinists and general musicians were in a state of beatitude, and though the program was exacting and perhaps too long, from an outsider's standpoint, it was a program long to be remembered. The pianist Arthur Loesser, won high praise. . . as soloist and accompanist. He is young but full of qualities that make for true success."
Musical America , 20 November 1915


THE MAUD POWELL SOCIETY  68 Grandview Avenue Brevard, North Carolina 28712  828-884-8500
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