Maud Powell's Tour/Performance Schedule

     1881 to 1920

               Schedule A:  Maud Powell Concert Performances                       

                             (includes Schedule B info)     

             Schedule B:  Maud Powell Performances with Orchestra

     Sousa Band Tours 1903 and 1905

These two files were in Excel format but they are now in PDF format as the Excel files would not load.  Copyright 2015 by Karen A. Shaffer. Information about Maud Powell's concert performances is derived from programs and reviews in The Maud Powell Society Archive. Undoubtedly some inaccuracies are present. Questionable information is marked by "?". Blanks indicate no information. The list of colleagues participating in each concert and of repertoire performed is very incomplete, not because of lack of information, but in order to make a basic list of performances available as soon as possible. Further details regarding the performances listed are available by contacting us. 

There is a good deal missing, especially for her concerts abroad but also in North America.  Still, it gives us a good perspective on the advancement of concert life in her time.

We can see her engagements beginning with variety concerts (so often with singers) and German singing society concerts with a few real orchestra engagements until she could give pure violin recitals full time across the continent interspersed with performances with major orchestras and fledgling orchestras as she toured. It is well to remember that there were only five professional orchestras in the U.S. when Maud Powell made her debut in 1885, four in New York and one in Boston.  It was also a time when violin recitals were extremely rare -- a condition which Maud Powell changed.

It was common in the early days to program a soloist to perform with orchestra followed by several pieces with piano or harp.  She would have played encores in addition.  You will see this on the spreadsheets.

A good introduction to Maud Powell's pioneering of the violin recital is in Volume I of Maud Powell Favorites.

Yellow filled lines mark her numerous premieres and further performances of works she premiered.
Green filled lines indicate Sousa Tours which are on a separate spreadsheet.

Thanks to Paul E. Bierley, Sousa's biographer, for providing the Sousa Band tour schedule information.  We have entered the concerts on spreadsheets alphabetically by country and city.  The Band usually performed two concerts each day in each city.  Contact us for specific date information.


THE MAUD POWELL SOCIETY  68 Grandview Avenue Brevard, North Carolina 28712  828-884-8500
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