Maud Powell
Arts Celebration
in Peru, Illinois (final season)
Celebrating Maud Powell's
150th Anniversary!
Born August 22, 1867
in Peru, Illinois
Friday and Saturday
August 18 & 19, 2017
Friday, August 18
Maud Powell Plaza, 1701 Fourth Street
6:30 p.m. The Peru Municipal Band Concert
7:30 p.m. Student Bands and Vocal Groups
Directed by Kevin Kramer &
Sarah Arter of Music Suite 408, Peru
Saturday, August 19
Peru Municipal Building
1901 Fourth Street, Peru
9:00 a.m. - Noon Performances by area music students
studying voice, piano, strings, and flute.
12:00 Noon Community Drum Circle led by Dave Peterson
Bring your own drum or use one of those provided.
Open to the Public. Participants of every age are welcome.
Peru Public Library
1409 11th Street, Peru
1:30 p.m. World Premiere Documentary:
"Our Maud Powell: America's First Great Violinist"
2:15 p.m. Live performance by Sarah Arter, Irish Fiddle
Saturday Evening, August 19th
Peru Municipal Building parking lot (Parkside Middle School in case of rain)
Please bring your lawn chairs
From 5:30 p.m. Food sold by Waterstreet Pub and desserts by
Christy's Kitchen for your picnic supper.
6:30-8:30 p.m. The Maud Powell Concert Performance
Free Open Air Concert
Tricia Kelly, Master of Ceremonies
Presenting --
Steve Sharp
The Arbor Ensemble
Christine Eltrevoog & Sarah Arter
The Dance Center Dancers accompanied by
Christine Eltrevoog & Sarah Arter
Violinist Marcia Henry Liebenow--performing Bruch's
Violin Concerto in G minor, 1st mvmt.
Art Exhibit & Sale -- Featuring works of Rachel Brisbois
-- Saturday 9:00-noon and 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Peru Municipal Building
Maud Powell Exhibit -- inside City Hall, Saturday
Copy of Maud Powell Oil Portrait by Nicholas R. Brewer
that is in the National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC will be on view.
Hear actual recordings of Maud Powell
Display -- Learn about Maud Powell's life and art
Maud Powell Society for Music and Education literature available
For more information, contact Stephanie at 815-223-0061 or email: perumaudpowell@gmail.com.
The annual Maud Powell Arts Celebration in Peru, Illinois, began in 1995 and was concluded in 2017.